Articles by

How to Turn Facebook Likes Into a Robust Email List

Racking up likes on your Facebook page is nice and all, but those fans have to eventually be turned into something that helps the bottom line. One way to do that is to build an email list with your Facebook page, which opens up a direct email channel of communication. James Parsons at Boostlikes shares…

Only 26% of Marketers Can Measure the ROI for Their Social Media Efforts

Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of social media marketing activities has been a big challenge for marketers. A recent report from Social Media Examiner found that measuring ROI is still a difficulty for marketers, as only about a quarter say they’re able to do so. Social Media Examiner’s “2013 Social Media Marketing Industry Report:…

What Is the Best Social Media Platform for Generating and Nurturing Leads?

Social media and marketing have deep ties nowadays, so deep that a recent Social Media Examiner survey found that 97 percent of marketers participate in social media marketing, up from 94 percent last year. According to that same survey, 86 percent of marketers say that social media is important to their business. But which social…

How 5 Brands Are Making Good Use of Vine Videos

There’s more to Twitter’s video darling than Will Sasso’s brilliance. More brands are finding novel ways of using those six-second videos for various marketing purposes. Allison Peltz, director and social media strategist at Rosetta, spotlights five brands that illustrate the creativity and personality that brands can show off on Vine, in a post for Search…

How to Leverage Crowdsourcing for Content Creation and Promotion

Crowdsourcing is a powerful tool, but B2B content marketers seem to be hesitant to incorporate it into their content creation and promotion strategies, according to Kevin Cain of OpenView Venture Partners in a post for Content Marketing Institute. He asks four questions to help marketers find out how well they’re using crowdsourcing: 1)

Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) vs. Google AdWords

What, exactly, is a demand-side platform (DSP)? Isn’t it similar to AdWords? If you’re one of the many marketers who are still unclear about what DSPs are and how they’re different from AdWords, Ratko Vidakovic, director of marketing at SiteScout (which, it should be noted, is a DSP), is here to clarify things once and…

PPC Advertising: Everything You Can Learn From Impression Share and Average Position

PPC advertisers can learn a whole lot from just two metrics. Mike Fleming of Pole Position Marketing illustrates this in a post for Search Engine Guide, where he looks at impression share and average position for the top five advertisers for a keyword in the past six months. Using just these two metrics, Fleming shares…

The 4 A/B Testing Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to optimization, testing is a double-edged sword. “If it’s done right, the benefits pour in; but if it’s done wrong, you literally can drive a business into the ground,” according to Sean Ellis, CEO of Qualaroo, in a guest post for KISSmetrics. These are the four common A/B testing and optimization mistakes…

Report: Facebook Is the Most Important Social Media Platform for Marketers

There are a number of social media platforms deserving of marketers’ attention, but which one is the most important of them all? According to nearly half of all marketers, the answer is Facebook. This finding comes from Social Media Examiner’s “2013 Social Media Marketing Industry Report: How Marketers Are Using Social Media to Grow Their…

Infographic: The State of B2B Content Marketing

Uberflip, a company that aims to juice up digital content, has created an infographic detailing the B2B content marketing landscape. “Companies are increasing their budgets for blogging, whitepapers, videos, webinars and other types of content marketing campaigns; but it’s important to look back to see what’s actually working and learn about common challenges and find…