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What Lead-Generation Marketers Need to Take Care of Before 2013

Thanksgiving and Black Friday are behind us, Cyber Monday is upon us, and 2013 is awaiting us. Yes, we’re in the homestretch of 2012, which means there are lots of things lead-generation marketers should be doing to wrap things up well this year and set their ships on the right course for 2013. Holiday offers…

Fab Is Now Selling Gifts Through LivingSocial

Last week e-commerce darling Fab began selling gifts through LivingSocial’s website and marketing channels. Fab is featuring 50 of its “top picks” from its Holiday Shops in LivingSocial’s gift guide. A LivingSocial executive said the deal with Fab will help the daily-deals company transition from being a provider of local daily deals to a destination…

What Pinterest Business Pages Mean for Brands, How They’ll Develop in the Next Year

Pinterest recently announced pages for businesses, which offer verification similar to what’s offered with Twitter’s verified accounts. The announcement also introduced new buttons, widgets, terms and more. But what does this official embrace of businesses mean for brands on Pinterest? And what will all this look like 12 months from now? Econsultancy spoke with three…

How to Capitalize on Untapped Mobile Conversions

Mobile consumers are typically further along in the purchase cycle, which makes them a sizable group of potential conversions. “However, monetizing this ready-to-buy audience requires tailored mobile ad strategies that reflect distinct buyer motivations and behaviors across vertical categories and even devices.” To monetize this ready-to-buy audience, here are four tips: 1) avoid adopting a…

Black Friday Online Sales Exceed $1 Billion, up 26% From Last Year

According to comScore, Black Friday hit $1.04 billion in online sales, the biggest spending day in 2012 and a 26 percent boost from Black Friday last year. The report notes that Thanksgiving Day saw $633 million in spending, a 32 percent increase from last year. Nov. 1-23 saw $13.7 billion in online spending, up 16…

Twitter’s New Image Search Heats up Its Battle With Instagram

Last week Twitter unveiled its new image search function, which allows users to preview photos that appear atop search results. (Try “#dogs” and “#cats” to see examples.) The feature, which has been a long time coming, brings Twitter deeper into its battle with Instagram. For now, image results only show up for selected terms, and…

Infographic: ‘Small Business Saturday: Path to Online Marketing Success’

ReachLocal, a local online marketing firm, has put together a timely infographic regarding Small Business Saturday. It holds a five helpful tips for small businesses looking to compete against bigger competitors this holiday season. Tamara Weintraub, content marketing manager at ReachLocal, summarizes the pointers in the infographic: 1) Your potential customers are spending more and…

What Marketers Are Thankful for in 2012

Thanksgiving can be a stressful time for many people, as travel plans, family gatherings and grueling hours of cooking all merge to create a perfect storm that would seek to destroy everything the holiday is meant to be. To help our readers fight against the coming onslaught, we’ve asked marketers to share what they’re thankful…

Twitter Offers $1 Million in Free Credits to 10,000 New Small-Business Advertisers

Twitter is doing its part this Small Business Saturday (Nov. 24) this year with its promotion offering up to 10,000 new small-businesses advertisers $100 in free credits to pay for Promoted Tweets or Promoted Accounts. The offer is extended to U.S. businesses that already have active accounts on Twitter but haven’t advertised on the site…