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Death of the Offer Wall?

Next week, upwards of ten thousand people will descend upon the Moscone Center for the ritual, that is ad:tech. If you live in the world that is performance marketing, you might not even know about...

Conflicts of Interest

If the performance marketing sector could act as a predictor for the broader markets, it would suggest an incredibly active mergers and acquisitions market in the year ahead. Google and Apple have...

iPads Won’t Replace Computers, Will Replace Kindles

According to a survey conducted by Gene Munster, an analyst with Piper Jaffray, the majority of iPad buyers are already Apple users and nearly all of them do not plan on replacing their computers with the newfangled device.

Motorola Remains Top Handset Maker, Android Gobbling Up Market Share

According to a recent report released by comScore, Motorola remains the top handset maker in the U.S. despite losing ground recently, while LG and Samsung remain close behind. Meanwhile, Google's Android mobile platform continues to grab more market share.

Online Video Viewers are Early Adopters

A recent bit of research released by GigaOM Pro found that a big chunk of online video viewers are younger and tend to be early adopters of new technologies.

It’s Here. The Facebook Quality Score

Poor Google, at least that's how we feel recently, given that so much of our attention has of late focused on Facebook and not the company that commands 30 to 40x of their ad dollars. The latter's platform is one...