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The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

The Facebook Opportunity

Hyper-growth platforms create opportunities for peripheral business models to flourish. Facebook has already provided fertile ground for fantastically successful businesses like Zynga, Playdom/Disney, and Playfish/EA.

One Platform to Rule Them All

With any discussion of Facebook, it's hard not to reflect back on the company’s history, a history colorful enough, and influential enough, to already have spawned several books and a major...

Mobile Segment is Key for 2010 Holiday Season

Among the highlights of Millennial Media's S.M.A.R.T. Report for August is the finding that more than a quarter of mobile subscribers accessing retail content on their phones cannot be reached online or offline, which points to the importance for advertisers to reach this new audience through mobile.

Retail Sites Are Strong in August

Thanks to the end of summer and the start of back-to-school season, the retail industry had a strong August, according to data from both Compete and comScore.

Transaction Problems Cost Online Retailers $44 Billion

According to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive for Tealeaf, an online customer experience management software provider, online retailers may have lost an enormous amount of money due to transaction problems on their websites.

What to Know About Search Marketing for the Holidays

We haven't even reached October yet but it's never too early to start planning for Christmas - is it? Not according to Martin Software, which recently released "The Search Marketer's Guide for the Holidays: Ten Tips for a Successful 2010."

Causes Are Important to Consumers

If you're looking for a new way to boost your brand, you might want to consider taking up a cause. According to a recent study from Cone LLC, 83 percent of Americans want more of the products, services and retailers they use to support causes.

Pulse 360 Selects AdAdvisor

AdAdvisor Helps Pulse 360 Advertisers Maximize Return on Their Budgets While Reaching Premium Audiences