If you have a Facebook page, you surely see that each of your posts reaches only a tiny segment of your audience. With Facebook clamoring to meet investors’ demands for a stronger revenue model, the social network is “encouraging” (i.e., strong-arming) page owners to pay to “promote” their posts to get “a wider reach to the audiences they built in the first place.” For big businesses, this could be a costly proposition. It sucks, but marketers should have seen this coming. If you still want to use Facebook, or any other platform you don’t control, to promote your business, here are three things to keep in mind: 1) Facebook owes you nothing, though you may think it does. 2) Understand why people use the platform and remember that engagement doesn’t equal customers. 3) Facebook is an outpost, not your home base. “Never build up an outpost at the expense of your home base.” (Copyblogger)