“Black Friday is like the ‘annual report’ for mobile advertising — a yearly snapshot of how mobile ads are progressing and evolving.” John Shomaker, CEO of AdJuggler, offers five trends we can expect to see during this year’s holiday shopping season. One of the trends he mentions is that smart hyperlocal mobile campaigns will create a new shopping experience. Shomaker notes that consumers want to find deals on their mobile devices that they can use in a physical store. Savvy mobile advertisers are geo-targeting the perimeter of their physical store locations and those of their competitors with ads offering in-store promotions. “Layer on top of that contextual relevance like keyword targeting and you can serve a product-specific creative that links to a relevant product page and promotion on the store’s mobile website or app, enhancing the in-store experience,” he says. “The mobile ad and its click-through becomes an extension of the path the user is on; it’s no longer annoying and intrusive.” Behavioral relevance scaling to reach holiday shoppers and consumers overcoming the “fear factor” are among the other trends Shomaker discusses. (MediaPost)