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The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

More Than 1,000 Products Advertised via Mobile Content at the End of 2010

A wealth of information about the mobile realm was recently unveiled by comScore in its "2010 Mobile Year in Review" report. Among the highlights was the finding that mobile advertising is on growing at a healthy pace and that nearly half of all mobile subscribers in the U.S. were mobile media users in 2010.

Android Takes 54% of Mobile Ad Impressions in January

The latest "Mobile Mix" report from Millennial Media shows that Android accounted for 54 percent of smart-phone ad impressions in January. However, Apple iOS ad requests grew the quickest during the month.

Billion Dollar Email Submits

The other day, we had the chance to meet one of our idols. Unlike most normal human beings this idol works in the online advertising space. They aren't famous. They do have lots of money, but their wealth has nothing to do with what makes them...

Spring is in the Air: Time to Plan a Street Stenciling Promotion

As a few warm days remind us that spring may not be too far away, it may be time to add plans for a street stenciling campaign. The eco-friendly promotions can add a spark to online contests, point the way to in-store campaigns or announce a new musical CD. Add some addition power by teaming…

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page