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Mobile Phones and Tablets Drive 6.8% of U.S. Digital Traffic in August

According to a wealth of new data from comScore, non-computer traffic for the U.S. was nearly 7 percent in August, with the majority coming from mobile phones. The report also found that nearly half of tablet owners made or completed a purchase on their tablets.

Shorter Facebook Posts Get Higher Engagement Rates

A report from Buddy Media Platform titled "Strategies for Effective Facebook Wall Posts: A Statistical Review" highlights some findings about what works well for Facebook posts. Among the findings are that shorter posts get higher engagement rates, full-length URLs work better than shortened URLs and...

The Cult of MLM

Sometime in 2002 we took a meeting with a former co-worker to discuss the online space. Instead of discussing the online space, though, it became a pitch to join them in their multi-level marketing business. In MLM parlance, it meant becoming part of...

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

Cliff Notes – the World according to Thomas Friedman

As one who write multiple articles per week and has done so pretty much fifty weeks per year for the past six years, it is hard not to admire professional writers like Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin, and Guy Kawaski who have not only a seemingly...

F’in Fraud

For all the crap that we occasionally dish on the CPA network space, one thing we hopefully have never intimated is that running a network is easy. While we have no shortage of people who enter the space with no experience only to find ways to make impressive money, once they make the plunge to…

The Week in Review

Headlines from the industry. To receive daily updates please visit the Digital Moses fan page

The Visionary Dilemma

At some point in the future, October 5th will be called Steve Jobs day, and millions around the world will go to work in jeans and a black turtleneck in memory of a man that less than .0000001% of the population has ever met but seemingly 99% of the population has an immense feeling of…