Huggies Puts $10 Million Into Building E-Relationships With Moms
Huggies has launched Baby Network, an online community for moms and moms-to-be, with a marketing and development spend that tops $10 million Baby Network is made up of two sites: “Happy Healthy Pregnancy” and “Happy Baby.” At the site, …
Carlson Taps Ford, DaimlerChrysler Vet Schroer
Carlson Marketing Group has hired auto-marketing veteran (and former client) Jim Schroer to run the Minneapolis agency. Schroer begins as president-CEO of Carlson on June 6, overseeing day-to-day operations and helping to set Carlson’s global strategic …
Beer Bongs and Keg Stands
Hoards of Elvis impersonators, Pedro’s from Napoleon Dynamite, and all the people you don’t want to see naked marched through the streets of San Francisco this past Sunday. An annual Bay Area tradition, the Bay to Breakers is one of the largest footraces…
Digital Thoughts – Google Casts A Semantic Web
Many of have wondered what the future has in store for Google. Will they become the next Microsoft – an enormous profit machine embedded into our lives and directly controlling how many of us compute? Might Google, today’s high flier….
Trends – The Year Of The Fees
Almost a week ago, Experian made an announcement that should have sent the online ad interest more abuzz than it appears to. Last week, they announced their intent to purchase LowerMyBills for $330 million dollars with an additional $50 million….
Top Ten Reasons You’re Not Advertising Online (But Should Be)
Digital advertising is proving to be a valuable complement to the traditional media mix. Do you have cold feet? Here are ten reasons that may be holding you back, and ten reasons why you should jump in.
Stick It In A Tree
A break from Direct marketing talk, The column may be about politics, or s@x, religion, lost youth, lost love, or lost lives, but it will be something that relates to you. It will be something that relates to us all.
The DirectTrack Aggregate Index
The DirectTrack Aggregate Index (DTAI) will show you trends in the industry across categories in the Networks we power. The DTAI will be updated monthly to show you trends in the industry.
Go Home, Bleak Kids!
A break from Direct marketing talk, The column may be about politics, or s@x, religion, lost youth, lost love, or lost lives, but it will be something that relates to you. It will be something that relates to us all.
Is your Affiliate Network Doomed?
Doomsday killed Superman and in the midst before his resurrection arose two new superheroes: Steel, a kind of iron man admirer of Superman and Superboy, an adolescent clone of Superman. Early affiliate networks experienced a death…