
  • 5 Pinterest Tools to Grow Your Business, Extend Your Reach and Boost Sales

    Pinterest saw its PC-based audience grow by 1,047 percent in 2012, according to Nielsen. Meanwhile, according to comScore, the image-based social network boasted 27.0 million unique visitors in February, making it the No. 40 Web property in the U.S. Add to these impressive numbers the growing trend of all things visual, and it’s easy to […]

  • Don’t Be Afraid of These 4 Marketing Buzzwords – Understand and Use Them

    “Big data,” “mobile marketing,” “predictive analytics,” “convergence analytics”

  • 50+ Content Marketing Metrics to Prove Tangible Results

    As far as bottom lines and some higher-ups are concerned, content marketing is only as effective as the metrics that are able to prove its true worth. The good news is that though content marketing is created with words, there are plenty of numbers that will reveal how helpful it is to a business’s ability […]

  • The Importance of Real-Time Data Verification: Q&A With XVerify

    When lead forms are populated with inaccurate information, the business that accepts those leads into their database and attempts to interact with them are at risk of throwing away money and damaging their reputation. Whether you’re a lead generator or a lead buyer, you know that data verification is an essential part of the process, […]

  • Personas Are Lame

    Content marketers appear to have fallen in love with “personas,” but they should really wake up and see the problem inherent in this. It reeks of make-believe

  • 5 Tools to Help You Compare Your Facebook Page With Your Competitors’ Pages

    You might think you’ve done all you can to spiff up your Facebook page and implement every best practice out there, but we all know that true satisfaction is rooted in how you compare with those around you. So how can you effectively and efficiently compare your Facebook page with your competition’s pages? Ian Cleary, […]

  • Google Lost Search Market Share in April 2013 but No One Really Cares, Thanks to I/O

    According to the latest figures from comScore qSearch, Google Sites claimed 66.5 percent of the U.S. search market in April, down 0.6 percentage points from its 67.1 percent share in March. Microsoft Sites followed with 17.3 percent of the market, up 0.4 percentage points. Meanwhile, Yahoo Sites finished April with 12.0 percent of the search […]

  • Google Punishes a Link Network That Bought and Sold PageRank-Passing Links

    In what shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, Google has taken “action” against a link network comprising thousands of link sellers that bought and sold links that pass PageRank, according to Matt Cutts, head of the search engine’s Web spam team. This is a clear warning sign for companies that are buying links to […]

  • Infographic: 18 Sweet Tips for Facebook Page Posts

    PostRocket, a company that optimizes Facebook page posts, has created a sweet infographic offering 18 tips for creating effective Facebook page posts. Among the tips are: –

  • Only 14% of Businesses Say Their CMS Offers a Complete View of Engagement Across Channels

    According to a study from Econsultancy and Adobe, 94 percent of businesses say it’s “quite” or “very” important to link content management with the ability to measure its on-site performance. Digital asset management and personalization are also key areas that businesses say need to be integrated with their content management system (CMS). However, only 14 […]