In 2015, Millennials over took Boomers and Gen Xers to become the largest generation in the U.S. labor force. But is it worth marketers’ time and money to invest significantly in targeting affluent Millennials today?
Lena Bourgeois of MediaPost investigated the issue in an article this week, arguing that a strategy focusing on winning the hearts and minds of high-earning Millennials might not yield an immediate return.
“To put it very simply, constituting the largest workforce demographic does not mean Millennials have reached their peak financial earning power,” she writes.
Many brands have put great time and energy into targeting Millennials. Heineken, for example, has moved significant budget dollars into digital and programmatic to reach this audience.
And brands aren’t waiting for Millennials to get into the workforce to start connecting. In a recent special report, Chief Marketer explored how savvy brands are creating student ambassadors on college campuses.
Related Articles:
Top 4 Marketing Tactics to Drive Millennial Sales
Engaging Millennials With Experential Marketing
Special Report: Multicultural Millennials