Airborne Express, Seattle, in a deal with the U.S. Postal Service, has rolled out a nationwide service for Airborne customers to send generic bulk shipments of flat mail.
The company said the service, called QuikMail, has rates 15% to 20% lower than USPS First Class, with First Class speed plus 1-2 days.
The company defines flat mail as non-personalized printed or video materials such as annual reports, announcements, catalogs and product and service information that weighs up to 16 oz. and meets specified dimension requirements.
Flat mail sent via USPS A (bulk) rate has a delivery time of 10-14 days; and USPS First Class, 2-3 days.
QuikMail combines Airborne’s transportation network with the sorting services of partner QuickPak Inc. and the residential delivery services of the USPS, providing delivery from any business to any residential destination in the U.S.
QuikMail picks up mailings and prepares and sorts the delivery. Customers stuff, seal and address individual flat mail pieces and place them in a carton for Airborne pickup. Airborne verifies and corrects the addresses if necessary, barcodes the pieces and delivers them to the QuikMail Processing Center in Indianapolis, where they are sorted by zip code and delivered directly into the US Postal stream for residential doorstep delivery.