6 Simple Secrets to Writing Copy with Impact

In a screen-obsessed society consumers are fully conditioned to kinda-sorta “skim over” and not really read content. It’s called hyper-reading.

write with impactThe challenge—How do you write with impact for the distracted digital age? To strike a chord with consumers, brand and loyalty marketers must prioritize clear, clever copy for digital promotional experiences. Here are six simple secrets to writing irresistible content and bolstering clickthrough rates and brand loyalty.

1. Headlines Lead the Way
If any copy is read, it is the headline. With snappy commentary and a distinct brand voice, marketers can use a headline to capture readers’ attention. Looking to boost engagement? Make it smart, disruptive and intriguing. For layout reasons, keep headlines tight—up to six or seven words, max. But above all, keep on-brand with real sincerity for experiences that truly move the needle.

2. Serve Up Snackable Content
Keep content short and sweet. Copy should be “bite-sized” because most eyes are on a smartphone, and the average screen size fits in the palm of your hand. The marketers that keep behavioral preferences in mind will be the ones that emerge on top.

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3. Stay Away from Stuffiness 
To gain trust, marketers must stay conversational in their choice of words. When giving direction, avoid technical, uptight words like “register” or “submit” or “login” because it scares readers away. Instead, use gentle, proactive words like “start now” that invite them to huddle in for a cherished conversation and pursue a call-to-action.

4. Be Bold, Be Sparingly Bold 
When drafting copy, consider a brand’s takeaway. For the greatest impact marketers should use bold essential words that stand out, but don’t oversaturate body copy. Emphasize the golden nuggets, the most important information a reader should soak in.

5. When in Doubt, Leave it Out 
Proofread all work. Obsess over it profusely and then read it again five times more. If a line doesn’t flow, remove it completely. Doing so will make a brand’s overall message stronger.

6. Make Buttons Go Beyond 
In the digital world, optimize the use of buttons. When used appropriately, buttons can anticipate consumers’ next move and lead them to the next step. For the best results, marketers should keep a button’s call-to-action up to three words, max.

No matter the industry, if marketers focus on the overall delivery of the reading experience, as well as their creative messaging, copy will be unforgettable. As legendary writer Dorothy Parker once said, “Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye.” So marketers, continue to unleash your creativity and stay passionate about your carefully chosen words, for the digital age will not restrict our ideas, but empower us to work even smarter.

J. Autumn Nelson is copy director at HelloWorld, a Merkle Company.