Worldata to Manage PBI Media Magazine

Worldata will be managing nine PBI Media Magazine subscriber files as of Dec. 1. There are more than 250,000 subscribers’ records in the master file.

These business-to-business publications include Avionics Magazine, Aviation Maintenance, Rotor & Wing, Cable FAX Magazine, Communications Technology, AV Video Multimedia Producer, Film & Video, Min Magazine and Satellite Business Solutions. E-mail is available for each list, too.

Boca Raton, FL-based Worldata had previously been awarded management of the PBI newsletter files and PBI’s Via Satellite magazine list.

The magazines are a mixture of controlled and paid subscription. Usage was not available at press time. Rubin Response Services Inc. has been the manager.

The base price on the postal files is $150 per thousand. The e-mail starts at $300 per thousand.