Many pundits discuss closing the CRM loop or keeping employees in the loop. Others talk about the information loop, or closing the analytics loop.
So guess what we decided to call our new e-mail newsletter on CRM?
Welcome to The CRM Loop. We hope the name describes not only what the newsletter is about but what it is.
The bi-weekly Loop will identify new initiatives and breakthroughs in applications and technology, profile outstanding practitioners and encourage a broad professional dialogue on the subject of CRM.
Open any given issue, and you will find how-to articles and case histories, and regular departments like In the Loop (Q&A’s), Data Debris (stats and factoids) and The CRM Cynic (opinion). We will provide links to other information sources.
We’re independent intellectually, by the way. We don’t offer CRM services, so we won’t be writing about our own clients. And we’re agnostic when it comes to brand-name philosophies about CRM.
The CRM Loop is part of our Chief Marketer franchise. ( It is being spearheaded by Hershel Sarbin, former CEO of Ziff-Davis and Cowles Business Media, and co-founder of 1to1 magazine.
Questions? Ideas? Complaints? Please e-mail me at [email protected], or call me at 212-462-3371.
Hope you enjoy The CRM Loop.