Virgin Megastores Rolls Out Digital Signage Network

Virgin Megastores is rolling out digital signage in select stores nationwide to better target customers with promotions and other content while they shop.

The network, called Virgin Mega TV, will feature titles for sale and in-store contest giveaways. In addition, the screens will offer text messaging sweepstakes and instant-saving offers, Anita Finifrock, senior marketing manager for Virgin Megastores, said.

Virgin Megastores is rolling out 400 digital displays in 10 stores targeting customers 18 to 44. Digital content will include segments on new artists and new releases and in-store special events.

The purpose it to “entertain the customers and enhance their shopping experience,” Finifrock said. “The screens can deliver a more dynamic show. Different sections can be programmed to air at specific times, to vary by location, and are able to be updated quickly.”

Virgin Mega TV will feature up to eight hours of content, which will repeat throughout the day, Finifrock said. Evision is creating the content for Virgin Megastores.

“The concept we are trying to create is an entertainment environment,” said Brian Dusho, chief strategy officer of BroadSign International, a firm which acts as an ad server to deliver the content. “We are creating a better store experience and providing value, so people are staying in the store longer and have a positive experience when they leave.”

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