Vine: What Twitter’s Video-Sharing App Is, and How It Benefits Brands and Marketers

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Vine has done much more than make six-second videos a thing. For marketers, Twitter’s mobile app has breathed new life into the video medium, opening up a door to creative and fun ways to engage audiences, foster brand awareness, show off some personality and maybe even drive some sales.

Twitter-Vine logo

What is Vine?
Vine was actually a company acquired by Twitter back in October 2012. Today, Vine is known as Twitter’s popular video-sharing app that allows users to record and string together snippets of video to produce looping six-second clips. It was first introduced to the world on Jan. 23, with a tweet from Twitter CEO Dick Costolo.

Most Vine videos are found residing in Twitter streams, but they can also be shared on places like Facebook or embedded on Web pages. The close ties to Twitter, which itself is pretty popular, makes Vine all the more appealing.

The benefits for businesses and marketers
Brevity is a virtue
Vine is more than the latest distraction. If you’ve explored the app and thought to yourself, “Well, this is just another newfangled toy,” Corey Mull knows how you feel


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