USPS Proposes New Booklet, Self-Mailer Standards

The U.S. Postal Service is proposing new mailing standards for letter-size booklets and folded self-mailers that are sent at automation and machinable letter rates, according to a Federal Register notice filed Monday.

The USPS said it came up with these new standards or these types of mailing pieces because many of them tend to double-feed and jam and otherwise damage processing equipment. This often results in their having to be sorted manually, which is generally more expensive and time-consuming.

Overall, these new proposals pertain to a piece’s tab size, tab location, paper weight and are based on tests under the auspices of the USPS’s engineering department, according to the postal service. .

The USPS is accepting comments on these until Jan. 28.

In addition, the postal service said it would propose revised standards for postcards and letter-sized cards at a later date.