Coldwater Creek test a show and accessory catalog
BUOYED BY THE SUCCESS OF AN INITIAL TEST, Coldwater Creek will conduct a second mailing of its new Footnotes catalog this fall.
The 47-page, 7-by-7-inch spring catalog offered shoes, accessories and some shirts.
Like the spring test, the fall book will go to between 750,000 and 800,000 names on Coldwater Creek’s house file, including the best customers and those who have previously purchased shoes.
Even if the catalog fully ramps up to the anticipated several mailings a year, it will remain one of Coldwater Creek’s smaller circulation books. In 2000 the company sent out a total of 178.1 million catalogs, up from 139.8 million in 1999.
While the company will not discuss actual response rates, spokesman David Gunter says that the average order, while less than that of its other catalogs, was in excess of $100. But Gunter notes that the price point of Footnotes’ merchandise was also lower than that of the other books.
Meanwhile, in a move that is certain to make many clothes shoppers happy, Coldwater Creek has changed its merchandising strategy. Beginning with the fall catalogs, including Footnotes,