True North Combines Bozell With FCB

Advertising agency True North Communications, Chicago, has merged its FCB Worldwide with Bozell Worldwide’s international properties and two U.S.-based Bozell properties, Detroit and Costa Mesa, CA. The resulting entity keeps the name FCB Worldwide.

The combined estimated billings of $8 billion catapults the company to fifth place worldwide, when agencies are ranked by billings. The new FCB has a significantly more global profile, with 40% of its billings from outside the U.S. and 60% from U.S. clients (approximately $3 billion and $5 billion, in respective billings).

True North named Brendan Ryan, formerly chairman and CEO of FCB Worldwide, as CEO of the new combined agency. Leo-Arthur Kelmenson, formerly chairman and CEO of Bozell Worldwide, became chairman of the new FCB. Gene Bartley, president of Bozell’s North American Operations, was named chairman of Bozell.

“We plan to focus significant resources over the next few years on acquisitions and further expansion of the FCB network internationally, especially in Europe,” said True North chairman and CEO David Bell. True North has doubled in size since its acquisition of Bozell, Jacobs, Kenyon and Eckhardt in December 1997.