To Know Us is To Love Us (

An Affiliate Manager’s job isn’t easy. My affiliates who are reading this right now will attest to the 20 IM conversations I juggle, while simultaneously answering email, running reports, adding/deleting/modifying campaigns, answering posts on message boards, all while carrying on a coherent and pleasant conversation via phone. The fact is; knowing how to multi-task proficiently is not only helpful, it is a mandatory skill required to be a successful Affiliate Manager.

Over the last week, I’ve had the opportunity to speak with many affiliates of and other networks, about what makes them stick with an affiliate network and what makes them run for the hills. While one would expect that the obvious reasons would be highest payouts, timely/reliable payments, unique offers with longevity that perform, the overwhelming majority claimed that the all else being equal… it’s all about the Affiliate Manager.

“I’d say the most important thing in a relationship with an affiliate network is an Affiliate Manager who takes time, even when they’re busy to help their affiliates. Having one that recognizes specific talents within their affiliates and puts that knowledge to profitable use is even better,” said Rick Neuhoff, of Dish Management Group.

Mike Savary, of believes that “being able to contact an Affiliate Manager and them being responsive is key to growing revenues.”

To Gary Goren, of, it’s about trusting their Affiliate Manager. “They have to let us know about campaigns before they’re burnt out, and they need to push the good ones – not the ones that the network needs volume for”.

The overwhelming consensus among affiliates is that attention and service from their Affiliate Manager is considered crucial.

“It’s a numbers game, but no one wants to be treated like a number,” said Maureen Burke of

If you’re one of those Affiliate Managers who read the above and say, “Yeah…so what’s new here”, go and march into your boss’ office and demand a raise. You’re his/her bread and butter and should be compensated appropriately. Apparently there are not that many “good ones” out there based on criticisms from many high-producing affiliates.

According to Mike Seiman, of Buds, Inc, there’s nothing worse than an annoying Affiliate Manager. “I hate getting those IM bombs with … Hey, we have this new offer. You should run it. Will you run it?  Just test it. I see you run free offers — why not try this mortgage offer this time. Come on.. it’s just a test”. “Their unrelenting distractions, makes me not want to run their offers at all.”

To further elaborate on irritating Affiliate Managers, Stephanie Skora of iMarketConcepts adds, “I hate the ones that haunt me to run an offer that they don’t have statistics on and then blame my data when I ask them why the offer tanked so bad.”

Daniel Starr of Gorilla Nation Media has his hands full with Affiliate Managers who continue to badger him with questions about why he’s not giving them any volume. “The ones who keep pushing me offers that aren’t performing should know better than to ask for more traffic.”

“Un-empowered Affiliate Managers who can’t make decisions are my biggest pet peeve”, said Charles Newsome of “I hate wasting my time waiting for them to ask their boss for every little thing.”

“I feel bad for the ones that don’t have a clue,” said Corey Newhouse of The Affiliate Managers who call and have no idea of what we do or haven’t even looked at our website are such a hindrance to the affiliate network they work for.”

“Affiliate Managers that don’t understand their technology really get under my skin,” said Warren Corpus of Vayan Marketing Group. “If they can’t figure out how to pull offers, or why something is not tracking properly, am I supposed to waste my time educating myself on their system to figure it out? Uh, No! I’m going somewhere else.”

To sum it up, there’s a lot to be said about the crucial role of the Affiliate Manager. 
Find one that is part marketer, part arbitrator, part techno-geek, part Tom Brokaw and part therapist with good communication, follow-up and multi-tasking skills, then you’ll find yourself an affiliate network with loyal and profitable affiliates.

Missy Ward ([email protected]) and Shawn Collins ([email protected]) and are co-founders of the Affiliate Summit (, a pay-for-performance marketing conference to be held in Las Vegas on June 13-14, 2005. Also, Missy is the Director of Marketing for CPAEmpire Affiliate Network ( and Shawn is the CEO of Shawn Collins Consulting (