To remind consumers that Mother’s Day and buying flowers are traditionally intertwined, Teleflora is collaborating with NBC in a contest to crown “America’s Favorite Mom.”
Nominations for a mother to fill that bill are being solicited now through April 30 in the form of photos and essays online at . NBC and reality TV producer Reveille will review the candidates—1,400 so far—to select 15 finalists. Reveille also conducted a casting call for outstanding mothers in Miami last month.
Three of those 15 finalists will appear daily on NBC’s “Today” show in the week preceding Mother’s Day on May 11, with viewers voting for their favorite candidates after each telecast. Voting will either be conducted on or through text messaging. Reveille will produce a one-hour primetime special on NBC on May 11 featuring the five finalists, with the winner to be selected by the network and the reality producer.
The winner will receive an 18-karat gold heart-shaped “America’s Favorite Mom” pendant trimmed with diamonds and an undetermined cash prize. The runners-up will also receive prizes yet to be determined
“Obviously, Mother’s Day is one of our biggest occasions of the year,” said Teleflora spokesman Rob Six. “So we were looking for ways to build business for the day.”
Contestants entered in the running will also receive prizes for ancillary categories as the contest proceeds. This month, visitors vote for the “Most Humorous Mom,” who will receive a $5,000 prize. A “Most Inspirational Mom” will be recognized in March, with another $5,000 prize to be awarded. In April, the “Most Popular Mom” will receive $25,000.
Redbook is also participating in the promotion, running monthly profiles of some of the nominees