Short Cuts
Short Cuts
Direct Seguros, a Spanish automobile insurer, has chosen Paris-based Alcatel to operate its call centers and manage its customer information.
Short Cuts
Holsted Marketing Inc., a firm specializing in direct mail continuity programs, has named Kristine Smith Cunningham as vice president of marketing. She
Short Cuts
The board of directors of printing giant R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. announced a regular quarterly dividend of 26 cents per common share payable June 2.
Short Cuts
United Marketing Solutions, Inc. a local direct mail franchising company, has signed new franchisees in Central Lake County, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago,
Short Cuts
Search engine marketing firm WebSourced Inc has signed an agreement with to utilize the company’s pay-per-click (PPC) search campaign management
Short Cuts
The City of Boston has teamed up with the National Recycling Coalition, Time Inc., International Paper and recycler FCR to launch a public service advertising
Short Cuts
RedEnvelope Inc. brand strategist and director Hilary Billings will resign those roles from the San Francisco-based cataloger/e-tailer. Effective March
Short Cuts
FranklinCovey, cataloger of motivational tools, has named Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen to its board of directors. Roska Direct,
Short Cuts
Brian Freschi, currently president of Quebecor World’s Retail and Sunday Magazine Group will also assume responsibility for the company’s U.S. Catalog
Short Cuts
R.R. Donnelley & Sons has made several appointments the executive team of its Long-Run Print Solutions division, which includes magazine, catalog, retail