

  • The Right Tools for the Job

    If anyone knows remodeling, it’s a construction equipment site. So it’s not surprising that when decided to make substantial alterations in their Web presence, they knew enough to reach for the proper tools: automated data feeds and on-site search optimization.

  • The Wisdom of Socrates’ Words

    If you’ve been lucky enough to avoid lawyers in your life, you may have had many occasions to use what Socrates Media LLC has to sell: do-it-yourself forms and kits for everyday legal transactions from leases to divorces. And thanks to an intensive paid-search marketing campaign, the Chicago company is doing its level best to make sure you can find their product when you need it.

  • Bringing Street Smarts to Search

    Ellen Siminoff, a member of the execuive team that founded Yahoo!, is bringing Wall Street tactics to paid search.

    The company of which she is now president and CEO, Efficient Frontier, takes its name from the investment concept that underlies the art and science of investment portfolio management—the notion that in any mapping of investment opportunities, there’s a thin line of possibilities that produce maximum return for a pre-set level of risk.

  • Should I SEM or Should I SEO?

    How do paid search marketing and search engine optimization interlock? When should marketers opt to pay for placement on a search page, and when should they spend their resources on making their existing Web sites more readable to search engine

  • On the Right Page for Web Indexing

    If you’re a consumer marketer, you’re probably doing all you can to gain incremental holiday sales. Of course, even if the fourth quarter isn’t your

  • The Search Is On

    As lower costs and potentially higher returns drive more corporate advertising dollars into online media, the DM industry could be on the verge of another

  • The Psychic Mailman

    Imagine how much more powerful catalog distribution would be if you could employ a psychic mailman to wait outside the doors of your best customers’ homes

  • How to Make Your Landing Page Sell

    The Hawaii vacations area of A1 Vacation recently dropped from Google’s fifth search result to 55th. The site, which promotes regional resorts,

  • Know Your Competition

    Looking for a way to elbow ahead of your competition online? One way to do that is to learn everything you can about their search behavior, said Allan

  • SEM Growth Leads to Trademark Issues

    The growth of search engine marketing has uncovered a new breed of trademark cases, according to a panel of lawyers speaking at Jupitermedia’s Search