Free Google Service Helps Watch Your Words
There Google goes again, applying its special blend of category-disruptive dynamite to another part of the search marketing industry. This time the explosion has occurred in the Web analytics arena, with an announcement by the Mountain View CA-based engine that it will let Web advertisers and the Web publishers in its AdSense network access some basic Web tracking tools for free.
Getting Testy at the Holidays
Just because the holiday sales season has arrived doesn’t mean that online merchants should take a vacation from testing their Web sites and marketing to reach peak performance.
LookSmart’s 180 Degrees of Vertical Search
LookSmart, the online media content and technology company that has been struggling for a place at the search table since losing its contract with MSN in 2003, has launched 161 new vertical search sites for content in 13
Live from Ad:Tech: iProspect Launches Offline Conversion Tracking
Search engine marketing firm iProspect has announced it will offer its pay-per-click customers a way to track offline phone conversions from online ad impressions, filling what studies claim is a large gap in the measurement of the impact of paid search ads.
Bill Day, Adware’s Point Man for Reform
Adware faces a serious image problem that it wants to handle ASAP. It
Annual Check-up for Search Programs
Is your search advertising program healthy? How do you know? If you outsource, is your agency doing the job well? It would be nice to assume that hiring an expensive specialist guaranteed a clean bill of heath, but malpractice suits are often well-justified.