

  • Mrs. Butterworth’s hot air balloon starts tour.

    COLUMBUS, OH – Giving new meaning to the term “rise and shine,” Aurora Foods launched the “Breakfast Over America” balloon tour. It features a 30-foot

  • Blue’s Clues Land on Campbell Soup and in Subway

    Those blue paw prints of Nickelodeon’s newest hit character, Blue, are turning up with two additional partners this summer and fall.Blue, the animated

  • Everywhere Merchants Want to Be

    Visa USA will give its retail partners magic for Christmas this year, part of an aggressive slate of consumer promotions designed to drive purchases in

  • Singing In Tune

    CDnow, the Internet’s top music store, and MTV Networks, a division of Viacom, Inc., announced a groundbreaking, three-year integrated marketing agreement

  • On the Road Again

    BOULDER, CO – Schwinn, the self-proclaimed American Classic, has sponsorship partners clinging to it like swarms of bees on a branch. Kraft Food’s Tang

  • Hollywood Holds the Line

    Marketers spent an estimated $5.14 billion on promotional licenses in 1997, a 3 percent increase driven mostly by film tie-ins. At the same time, consumer

  • Sampling Continues to Stretch Out

    The only thing harder than trying to sum up 1997’s sampling programs in a single story is trying to put a value on the category. Programs can range from

  • It’s a Wrap

    The annual PMA Star Power conference lived up to its title last month when both Ron Howard and Will Smith spoke to about 500 marketing executives on Warner

  • Lou Reed Bio on Home Video

    Just months after it aired on PBS, the only documentary of rocker Lou Reed will hit home video on July 28. Fox Lorber is releasing the 75-minute video

  • P-O-P Gains, But Girds for Tobacco Withdrawal

    Marketers last year spent $13.1 billion on point-of-purchase displays, an increase of 5 percent above 1996.Some segments had growth rates that exceeded