Add Specialties
True North acquisition extends Interpublic’s dominance in the promotion market.
In-Store Marketing: Moving Targets
Supplier shakeups, brand consolidation hold growth at 3.9 percent.
10 Commandments of Incentive Marketing
Understand Your Audience It’s surprising how many marketers don’t properly tailor their promotions to the audience. Incentive programs are not one size
The Joy of Britney
Teen pop sensation Britney Spears will strut her stuff for Pepsi-Cola Co., Purchase, NY, in the soft drink manufacturer’s largest endorsement deal to
Walking the Tight Rope
Rebates have always been a double-edged sword. They can stimulate sales on high-cost, slow-moving products, but can dilute brand equity and cut into profits
You Have to Be There
If you’ve been to a seminar or cocktail party lately, you know the buzzword du jour is “experiential marketing.” In this issue, managing editor Dan Hanover
P-O-P The Last Stand
Despite the Internet’s best efforts, P-O-P is thriving as a marketing tactic.Five years ago, the future of point-of-purchase marketing was in doubt. After