Promotional Products: Down, Not Out
What goes up occasionally has to come down, right? After eight straight years of double-digit growth, spending on promotional products sank 10.4 percent
What Kmart’s Troubles Mean To Me
I absolutely love Target. I respect the hell out of Wal-Mart. And boy, do I feel really sorry for Kmart. Should we write off Kmart as a power retailer?
Premium Incentives: Crystal Clear Persuasion
This year, New York City-based Society of Incentive Travel Executives (SITE) streamlined its annual Crystal Awards for outstanding travel incentive programs
Premium Incentives: Promotional Peaks
Promotional Products Association International, Irving, TX, bestows its annual Golden Pyramid Awards on campaigns whose use of premiums best relate to
Eavesdropping on Shoppers
Tim White listens to women. He once watched a woman walk into The Great Indoors, Sears’ two-year-old housewares chain, and pull out her cell phone. She
Premium Incentives: Behind the Scenes
There’s a reason why plastic gift cards aren’t recyclable: They carry entire computer systems along with them. OK, not really. But now that the migration
Premium Incentives: Holding On
It was a rollercoaster ride for sure in 2001. But at least the car never derailed. Three general events the dot-com implosion, the Sept. 11 terrorist
Premium Incentives: The Secretarial Prize Pool
Workers of the world, unite. Incentives aren”t just for salespeople anymore. Once used exclusively to inspire the favored-son sales staff, employee motivation
Schmoozing at Sunset
ACTION! That’s what’s in store for those who attend next month’s StarPower conference. This year’s Promotion Marketing Association conference promises