
Letters to the Editor

  • Letters to the Editor

    Not to compound the lapse in judgment, but your comments this week certainly ignited a controversy. I’m with you 100% —

  • Letters to the Editor

    You’re right, of course. “What else is burning in Southern California?” is just awful. Mistakes are different; you don’t make them intentionally.

  • Letters to the Editor

    Read your story in DIRECT Newsline this morning. Initially, with interest. Then with growing curiosity. And finally, growing disappointment.

  • Letters to the Editor

    I was saddened to read Albert Saxon’s obit in today’s Direct Newsline. Never met him but felt like I knew him a bit, having read his many letters in response to Loose Cannon.

  • Letters to the Editor

    Personally I have signed up for the do-not-call list four times since it started. But there was never an option to cancel the previous number I signed up when I went in to sign up my new ones. So my old numbers are still on the list, along with the new ones.

  • Letters to the Editor

    DYSON MAKEOVER I’m amazed Tom Collins’ piece on the Dyson Stowaway ad (The Makeover Maven, August) was actually published. I fear he may have damaged

  • Letters to the Editor

    It was a pleasure to read your rerun — a wonderful and appropriate story.

  • Letters to the Editor

    My guess is that Dansko’s original ad would outpull the makeover if both were placed in a women’s magazine (The Makeover Maven, July).
    Manny Gonzalez

  • Letters to the Editor

    I have just one anecdote about data analysis that gave me some insight into what one big company believes is useful customer data.

  • Letters to the Editor

    It’s not a good day this Monday morn;
    Loose Cannon will take the day off;
    “It’s not that I’m loafing,” Levey will say,
    But hundreds of readers will scoff.