
Letters to the Editor

  • Letters to the Editor

    Regarding the meat clearance sale flier: As a copywriter, I say, “big mistake.”

  • Letters to the Editor

    I agree with your comments about the copy … my guess is that it was most likely a test piece.

  • LETTERS to the editor

    MAKE DOWNLOADS UNIQUE(When Is Too Far, December) I loved the column. Thanks for having the to say it. As for your Digital Directive piece, I’m

  • Letters to the Editor

    PCH DEAL SETS DANGEROUS PRECEDENT I read Ray Schultz’s January editorial about being a minutes before reading the article regarding Publishers Clearing

  • Letters to the Editor

    Well done! Seems like the DMA doesn’t find much value in targeted conferences anymore (unless of course there are extra member dues to be collected).

  • Letters to the Editor

    You’ve once again given me pause for laughter, a chuckle and then, the ‘a-hah’ moment as I often contemplate the DMA’s press releases . . . as in ‘what are they thinking?’

  • Letters to the Editor

    It was a thrill to read what the academics had to say about the best day for e-mail metrics, and particularly to see my old professor Babka-Fresser’s razor-sharp mind at work — although he can occasionally sound like a putz.

  • Letters to the Editor

    Your point about the gift cards was very well taken. They are a desirable gift, but as you said in your article, some people hate to give them because they are a cop-out.

  • Letters to the Editor

    Some years ago, in a former existence, I was up-moted to the position of buyer for a large department store. To give you some idea of how well I did in the post, the store is now bankrupt … gone … how do you spell pffffht?

  • Letters to the editor

    A gift enterprise, which is a scheme under which goods are sold for their market value but by way of inducement where each purchaser is given a chance to win a present or prize, is a lottery where the essential elements of a lottery are present. The essential elements are consideration (buying furniture), chance (Red Sox win) and prize (rebates).