
Letters to the Editor

  • letters to the editor

    BLAME THE AGs Never underestimate the ability of state attorneys general to engage in hypocrisy when they see a chance to gain political advantage with

  • Letters to the Editor

    Re: Loose Cannon: Your Tax Dollars Subsidize Bad Airline CRM (DIRECT Newsline, Oct. 27, 2002) Bravo! My involuntary handouts to the nation’s air carriers,

  • Letters to the Editor

    *Letters to the Editor LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Re: Loose Cannon: Your Tax Dollars Subsidize Bad Airline CRM (DIRECT Newsline, Oct. 27, 2002): * Love your

  • Letters to the Editor

    Re: Loose Cannon: No Shortcomings in Industry Shorthand, DIRECT Newsline, Oct. 14, 2002 Certainly those you mention are very useful phrases, and if for

  • Letters to the Editor

    Re: Loose Cannon: No Shortcomings in Industry Shorthand, DIRECT Newsline, Oct. 14. I have heard marketers use “remote selling” as another term for mail

  • Letters to the Editor

    Re: After 50 Years, Newsman says -30- (DIRECT Newsline, Sept. 30, 2002) I really enjoyed Paul Alberta

  • letters to the editor

    BUZZ OFF The Makeover Maven is one of my favorites in DIRECT. I also enjoy reading the replies Tom Collins receives about almost every makeover on the

  • Letters to the Editor

    (Re: Loose Cannon: Will DM Play on Main Street? DIRECT Newsline, Sept. 23) Good comments. One aspect of the equation is missing. Finding a sales force

  • letters to the editor

    THOSE SNEAKY SUB OFFERS Herschell Gordon Lewis is so right about the foolishness of subscription prices that penalize long-term customers (Vanity, All

  • Letters to the Editor

    Thanks for a good clear statement about Sept. 11 and the marketing world . It was very appropriate for the