Letters to the Editor
letters to the editor
WRATH OF THE CONSUMER I read with interest Ray Schultz’s editorial on the new consumer (Direct Hit, Sept. 1). I agree with him that the cult of irritation
Letters to the Editor
The DMA is putting itself into a situation that is a public relations disaster. It
Letters to the Editor
Re: Federal Court Kills Do-Not-Call List (Direct Newsline, Sept. 25) In 281 B.C., King Pyrrhus won a number of victories against Rome but they were so
Letters to the Editor
Re: Industry Reaction Mixed to DNC Ruling (Direct Newsline, Sept. 24) I want to comment on the recent court decision re the national do not call list..In
Letters to the Editor
: I’m not sure exactly where you are going with this grocery article.
letters to the editor
A LITTLE COLOR, PLEASE The Makeover Maven is always entertaining and educational, as are the reader responses. Thanks to Tom Collins for writing despite
Letters to the Editor
The telemarketing industry so rife with abuses deserves to be
Letters to the Editor
: Every since I read the total number of lost jobs that may result
Letters to the Editor
: So here it is in a nutshell. Get stock prices to start upward again, so
letters to the editor
TOM, TOM, TOM I like Tom Collins and agree with him most of the time. But there’s a time to make over and a time to chuckle (The Makeover Maven, July).