
Letters to the Editor

  • Letters to the Editor

    Here, here! Let’s hear it for obeying your own laws! The one downside to this, however, is that airports are actually a monopoly, like utilities and phone services once were. The government can regulate how they see fit.

  • Letters to the Editor

    GIVING MAGAZINES A BOOST Thanks for July’s Direct Hit,


    You’re spot on! The DMA website is in dire need of help…actually a
    total overhaul!

  • Letters to the Editor

    (Re: Loose Cannon: A “Dear John” Letter, Direct Newsline, August 16, 2004):

    You’re spot on! The DMA website is in dire need of help…actually a total overhaul!

  • Letters to the Editor

    : The DMA is a self-serving market-driven marketing company first and foremost.

  • Letters to the Editor

    : Read your offer to collect thoughts and ideas to forward to the new DMA president.

  • Letters to the Editor

    Dear Loose Cannon: Today I received an unsolicited fax from an unnamed travel promotion company. Since I am on the national do-not-call list I called

  • Letters to the Editor

    : Ah, the perils of personalization. If you

  • Letters to the Editor

    : Dear “Mr. Schultz”, Funny! And to think