
Letters to the Editor

  • Letters to the Editor

    : I have to confess that I never read this column. I am busy with the responsibilities of a boutique list and insert company, satisfying our customers and reading the business aspects of this newsletter enables me to get the information I need to have a beat on the marketplace in order to best do that…

  • Letters to the Editor

    Direct marketing opinion

  • letters to the editor

    OUT OF STEP? I’m glad Tom Collins isn’t in charge of makeovers on shows like The Swan his results would look worse than His contestants would be stripped

  • Letters to the Editor

    Letters to Direct Newsline regarding Loose Cannon: Into the Valley of Paranoia Rode the 600, a column by Richard H. Levey

  • Letters to the Editor

    Letters in response to “Loose Cannon: The Hill Doesn

  • letters to the editor

    WEIGHING IN ON OUTSOURCING How I wish Ray Schultz was correct in his sunny evaluation of overseas telemarketers (Direct Hit, February). I have welcomed

  • Letters to the Editor

    : “The anonymous outer envelope’s era has passed. It is time to remove this particular device from a direct mailer’s arsenal.”

  • letters to the editor

    NO REWARDS, THANK YOU I am making copies of Herschell Gordon Lewis’ column (Curmudgeon-at-Large, January) and returning them in the postpaid envelopes

  • Letters to the Editor

    : The fact that they sent emails to the 35,000 in California because it was required and not to anyone else because it wasn

  • Letters to the Editor

    : Regarding catalogs — Another reason against sending catalogs to the