
Letters to the Editor

  • Letters to the Editor

    Letters to the Editor regarding “Loose Cannon: Tube Be, Or Not Tube Be” and “Loose Cannon: Enemy Action at the Incentive Show”.

  • Letters to the Editor

    Re: Loose Cannon: Tube Be, Or Not Tube Be, Direct Newsline, May 23, 2005: Love this one.

  • Letters to the Editor

    : I think I have a better idea. Why don’t we make this the Direct Marketing Challenge season? Let’s throw away our usual crutches and use this time to get in touch with our client’s prospects and commune with the products we are supposed to be selling.

  • letters to the editor

    ROSETTA STONED Mr. Collins forgot something very important in his makeover of the RosettaStone ad: An ad has to be graphically strong enough to stop readers

  • Letters to the Editor

    : As a former marketing manager for Pantone, this article really hit home! I couldn’t stop laughing. The type of thinly research assertions that you lampooned used to give me fits when I was working there. Fortunately, now that I’m on the outside, …

  • Letters to the Editor

    Letters in response to “Loose Cannon: Black and White and Re(a)d All Over”

  • Letters to the Editor

    : Loved your color column — as I do most of what you write.

  • Letters to the Editor

    Letters in response to Loose Cannon: Masters of our Domains, Direct Newsline, May 2, 2005

  • letters to the editor

    AMERICANS’ POOR ENGLISH It surprises me that folks such as Mark Ragan who presumably work with many foreign countries and nationals are questioning the

  • Letters to the Editor

    : I was touched by that moving (actually, heartbreaking) story of Willem Blom. It is amazing that you have found an example of the horrors of the Holocaust that pertains to direct marketing – it shows how evil touches every aspect of life. Blom’s …