Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor
Richard, Richard, Richard!
How testy you are on a sunny April Monday morning! Perhaps it’s the fact that the thermometer hasn’t a clue that it’s spring — but you really were a little hard on our friends (yours and mine and several million others’) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Letters to the Editor
Thanks for the story. An apt reminder, especially in these times, of the cruelty man is capable of — and of the need to fight against intolerance wherever it occurs.
Letters to the Editor
JUST ANOTHER SCAM Credit card companies rewarding loyalty? Hardly! It’s all a big moneymaking scam for them (Curmudgeon-at-Large, February). The is actually
Letters to the Editor
Read your recent lead-in to the USPS “Strip Search” article. I also received their latest postcard offering various services. I stopped in my local post office Saturday morning to inquire about “Premium Forwarding.” The only thing “premium” was the pricing!
Letters to the Editor
You’ve got to get out of the Northeast more often!
I’m sure that another alert reader has informed you: Area 51 is in a state called “Nevada” (you may know it by its more common name: “Las Vegas”) — about 800 miles away from Roswell, New Mexico (another state you may not be familiar with). Also, Area 51 is real; Star Wars is just a movie.
Letters to the Editor
EDITOR’S NOTE: Readers who have sent submissions to the “Let’s get more U.S. agencies into the Caples” contest mentioned in the current column and have NOT received an acknowledgement from me are urged to re-send the entry — e-mail continues to be wonky
Letters to the Editor
EDITOR’S NOTE: Readers who have sent submissions to the “Let’s get more U.S. agencies into the Caples” contest mentioned in the current column and have NOT received an acknowledgement from me are urged to re-send the entry — e-mail’s been wonky.
Letters to the Editor
EDITOR’S NOTE: Readers who have sent submissions to the “Let’s get more U.S. agencies into the Caples” contest mentioned in the current column and have NOT received an acknowledgement from me are urged to re-send the entry
Letters to the Editor
What a killjoy you are to say you don’t like awards shows! You probably don’t like being the recipient of Chinese water torture, either.
Letters to the Editor
Your “Captive Marketers” piece brought back Navy days in dry (both ways) Oklahoma where the only PX sold near beer (1/2 of 1% alcohol) to base-bound sailors.