Deciding Between Compiled and Response Lists
It’s an age old question for marketers: When is it appropriate to use compiled data or response data?
Shop.Org’s Holiday Online Sales Survey Offers Strategies for 2012
The successes and failures of various tactics used by online marketers during the holiday 2011 season offer insight into practices for 2012. A survey by chronicles these, as well as marketers' anticipated investments, both in reaction to the holiday results and otherwise.
SOPA: What’s Bad for the Internet is Bad for Marketers
When you look closer at the language and provisions of SOPA, you see that it could fundamentally change some of the common things you do as a marketer or merchant
25 Trendsetters to Watch
The editors of Chief Marketer compiled an educated but fairly personal list of the trends and tactics we expect to see driving marketing in 2012, and an equally informal list of the brands at the forefront of those efforts
Kirkland’s Glee Spree Holiday Campaign: 2011 IMA Award Winner
2011 IMA Award winner, Best Cross-Platform Direct-Response Campaign Using Interactive Channels | To generate quality leads and refresh the retailer’s database, agency Redpepper used the web and instore “ambushes.”
Godiva Search Engine Optimization Ensures Success: 2011 IMA Award Winner
Best Ecommerce Site Launch or Revamp | Heading into the lucrative holiday shopping season, Godiva debuted a new website. Search engine optimization (SEO) was the key to a successful launch, minimal downtime and a user-friendly experience
Improved Ecommerce Boosts Results for Green Top Sporting Goods
Enhanced shopping cart and customer path analytics are helping Green Top Sporting Goods boost its pay-per-click search results and increase sales in several product categories.
As recently as 2008, Green Top’s website offered product listings but no way of making purchases. Visitors clicking on specific items were often brought to the manufacturers’ sites.
Mobile, Social Data Transforming Marketing for the Holidays—And Beyond
Almost every CMO went into Black Friday and CyberMonday with one thought in mind: shoppers are more price-sensitive than ever before. But what actually happened on Black Friday and CyberMonday radically shifted the conversation. Consumers spent like mad—online and on mobile devices.
How Mobile Insight Can Inform Online and Offline Marketing
Mobile devices potentially offer marketers more personal data about their audiences than ever before, and this data should inform the direction of marketers’ mobile strategies. Maxymiser’s Mark Simpson offers three steps for using consumer data collected from mobile programs to improve sales and marketing efforts across all channels.
Digital Fuels Ad Spending Growth in 2012: MagnaGlobal
While it’ll be hard to characterize advertising spending as full speed ahead in 2012, at the very least it won’t be moving in reverse. U.S. advertising revenue for media owners is forecast as increasing from a projected $173.54 billion in 2011 to $178.50 billion in 2012, according to new research by MagnaGlobal.