Direct Mail
Meet the Broker: Jerry Connaughton
This week, Meet the Broker features Jerry Connaughton, an up and coming list broker. He spent two years brokering lists in the early 1990s, left, and came back again to the business. He now makes recommendations for publishing and fundraising clients.
Meet the Broker: Regan Adler
Today we meet Regan Adler, director of list brokerage at Worldata. She negotiates for e-mail files and to a lesser extent postal lists, was well as other types of online media for business-to-business marketers.
How Direct Can Your Mail Be?
It’s just common sense. Prospects will respond better to mail that addresses them directly or makes a reference to something showing that the marketer understands their needs.
Postal Pointers
With last month’s postage rate hikes, mailers must deal with a brand-new system where shape matters more than weight. Direct recently sat down with Arnie Cohen, senior manager at Carlsbad, CA direct mail services firm Modern Postcard, to get some survival tips.
All for One
A business-to-business client recently wanted to run an integrated campaign with one clear goal: Get 500 qualified leads. Not 500 responses, mind you,
Learning to Type
Ever wonder who invented direct mail? Remington Typewriter Co. claimed that it was the originator of the advertising circular letter, and that this happened
Everybody Run, Spidey’s Got aKnife???
The world is divided into two types of people: those who like inserts, and those whowell, those who rip them out of magazines immediately. I have to admit,
Dig These Results
Sure, a construction contractor could test-drive a new tractor at its job site. But doesn’t using the machine to build your own dirt track and then race dune buggies on it sound like a lot more fun?
Caterpillar thought so, and its customers agreed, judging by the 18% response to a mailing promoting a sweepstakes to win the racing experience.