E=B-to-B-to-B: The Need for Multi-Tiered Newsletters
Why do many IT manufacturers know so little about their end-users? Because, in many instances, the companies selling their products aren’t even their customers. Here’s why multi-tiered e-zines are the answer.
The Preview Window: Keeping the Good Stuff Above the Fold
“Above the fold” in e-mail refers to what generally appears in a standard preview pane, such as in Microsoft Outlook or AOL. For readers who use this feature, the elements appearing here will primarily determine whether or not the e-mail gets opened.
Blockbuster E-Zines Get People Into the Store
There’s probably a strong correlation between couch potatoes and avid movie watchers, which is why Blockbuster Inc. faces a unique challenge: Getting those film buffs off their sofas and into a local outlet.
Marketing Firm Markets Itself with E-Letter
What’s the best way to get your point across? Definition 6, a marketing services firm, thinks it’s through its e-mail newsletter called definingINSIGHTS.
Opt-in Delivery Improves
Don’t believe all those horror stories about e-mail not being delivered. ISPs and ESPs are doing a better job of getting opt-in e-mail into inboxes than they were three months ago—with two notable exceptions.
The Chutzpah of Don Peppers and Martha Rogers
Jim Wheaton and Leo G. Sterk provide another rebuttal to Don Peppers and Martha Rogers.
SelfHelpWorks Helps Customers Help Themselves
Time to quit smoking? Having trouble managing stress? Need to drop a few pounds? can help.
Wachovia Automates Its Online Event Management
Webinars. Everyone is doing them these days. But they’re not easy. How do you manage them so that the company and the customer get maximum value out of the experience?
Ask Wachovia Corp. -
Stereo System: Tower Records Refines Retail/Online Data Harmony
Tower Records is working to integrate its online/store customer database to better segment its audience for targeted offers and attract a younger crowd than the current core 35- to 54-year-old shopper.
Don’t Chase Leads Away by Disqualifying Them
What do you think of when you think of account qualification? You may think of “qualified leads” or some way of weeding through potential customers so that you don’t spend time where you’re not likely to get sales. But the implied message to the customer is: My time is important, and you are not.