

  • DirecTV’s FTC Debacle Could Have Been Avoided

    The digital television service provider will pay a record $5.35 million for something that could simply have been avoided. Not only is DirecTV responsible for the legal actions of telemarketers it outsources work to, but it had plenty of warning that changes were being made to the Teleservices Sales Rule.

  • Survey Shows Marketers Want Analytics

    Marketers have many needs these days. But one tops them all, according to a new survey from the CMO Council.
    When asked their most urgent developmental priority, over half said it was to improve their marketing analytics capability.

  • Cancer Treatment Group Invites Patients to Chat

    Serious illness usually goes hand in hand with the inability to sleep. But who can you talk to at 2 a.m. when your mind won’t rest?
    At Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA,) patients can talk to a live oncology information specialist 24/8, 365 days a year by “clicking to chat” online.

  • Key Hyundai Builds Loyalty—After the Purchase

    New cars are an expensive proposition and a purchase that the majority of individuals don’t make very often. But dealerships realize the value in turning the one-time purchaser into a life-long customer. And there are ways to keep them coming back.

  • Lifetime Value Redux

    I have the utmost respect for Les Wunderman as well as for Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, but I am dismayed at the “who invented LTV” quarrel that has been going on in The CRM Loop.

  • The Real Issue Isn’t Who Invented LTV

    I continue to read with interest the exchange of opinions over the Peppers and Rogers piece titled “Return on Customer.” I believe that all of the responses totally missed the mark.

  • Best Buy Uses Data to Place Products

    Food staples such as bread and milk are often placed at opposite ends of a supermarket. But Best Buy couldn’t do that with electronics. Analytics helped.

  • B-to-B Marketer Finds a New Way: RSS

    How do you build readership for a business-to-business e-zine? One way is to add an RSS feed. “RSS has taken off for newsletter consumption,” says Ed Schipul, CEO of
    Schipul, a Web marketing company.

  • Web Tracking Firm Blends E-Zines and Surveys

    Need to poll one in three Internet users? purchasing?
    BURST! says it can help. Its e-newsletter, Online Insights, goes to approximately 10,000 advertisers, agency, media reps, clients who purchase media and other media pros.

  • Partnerships That Build Newsletter Lists

    You can build your e-mail newsletter list quickly through the use of strategic partnerships. Look for companies who target similar demographic audiences with their Web sites and e-mails, but who are not your direct competitors.