

  • Newegg Speaks Geek

    THOSE OF US WHO SEND up a flare for the help desk when our computers develop hiccups may never have heard of But it’s a fast-rising retail

  • Down to Earth

    MOBILE MARKETING is on the way, and it will usher in a Golden Age. Soon we’ll all be receiving rich-media ads over our Internet phones, being enticed

  • SEO Helps Build DMer’s Business

    Mark Zoske has turned a passion for salt into a $3.5 million-a-year online business, largely by using search engine optimization. His firm, SaltWorks,

  • Less Is More

    TOO MANY LOYALTY marketers think they have to be all things to all customers; they design programs that are either too expensive or offer inadequate rewards.

  • Lowering Sales Pressure

    Medical instrument manufacturer Medwave is hoping a new Web-based tool will boost sales by at least 10% and lower the cost of its prospecting visits,

  • Unconventional Wisdom: When Not to Offer Links

    This may sound like heresy to some e-mail experts.
    But you should give the reader a break occasionally and not force them to link through to a Web site to read an article.

  • The Old Forward to a Friend Trick

    Viral marketing is a terrific way to get your content distributed to an even wider audience and ultimately build your list. After all, what could be better than having your customers do your marketing for you?

  • Four in Five Marketers Say E-Mail Delivery’s Tough

    Eighty-two percent of e-mail marketers say e-mail deliverability is a challenge for their organizations, and more than 30% consider it a “significant” challenge, according to a new survey from Menlo Park CA-based EmailLabs.

  • Why Do You Have High-Value Customers?

    Everyone has customers who are more valuable than others. But why do you have them? Put another way, why did they choose to become a high-value customer?

  • Colloquy Corner: The Customer, Not the Payment Type, Is King

    Loyalty marketers seek to reward and recognize best customers and keep them coming back for more. To segment best customers from infrequent shoppers, one-offs, or visiting relatives, you must track their transactional behavior. Customers will pay with cash, checks, and credit and debit cards, and you ideally need to track each of these tender types to develop a complete view of their behavior.