

  • Mail Call

    Direct mail is playing an ever-larger role in promotion. Whether for coupons or sample distribution, building buzz for product discounts or driving consumers to the Web to try online sweeps, direct marketing is the name of the game.

  • No Nickel and Dime

    Coupon distribution via free-standing insert was up 7.7% in 2004, according to TNS Media Intelligence, to 251 billion offers — the fastest growth rate the company has recorded in five years. Total FSI pages in North America also grew 7.7%, to 189.3 billion.

  • Billing Boom Slows

    Promotion agency revenues hit an estimated $4.22 billion in 2004, up a respectable 12%. That’s less than half of the 26% increase agency execs had been expecting for 2004, but a steady increase nonetheless. Nearly half of U.S. agencies expect to boost revenues in 2005; and a quarter of shops say they expect a bump of 20% or more.

  • Riding the Tide

    Arising tide may lift all boats, but when it comes to the growth of the promotional marketing industry, not all boats are rising as quickly or as far as others this past year.

  • Direct Mail, DRTV Most Effective in Reaching Hispanics

    Direct mail was the most popular channel used by Hispanics that made direct response purchases, followed by DRTV and online marketing. Telemarketing trailed a distant fourth, according to a new study from the Direct Marketing Association and Directo: the DMA’s Council for Hispanic Marketing.

  • The Latest Matchback Tools

    By now most multichannel merchants know about matchbacks and the importance of understanding where online and retail buyers are coming from rather than guesstimating the percentage of sales driven by the catalog or an e-mail campaign.

  • Lego Builds Brand Brick by Brick

    Staying true to its mission of providing creative, confidence-building toys for children while continuing to expand its number of customer touch points has been integral to the success of Enfield, CT-based Lego,

  • Mind Your Business Database

    Since there are fewer businesses in the world than there are people, B-to-B databases by nature are smaller than B-to-C. However, they’re far more difficult to manage.

  • Six Steps for Profitable Custom Modeling

    Faced with new customer types from search and affiliate programs, lower direct-buyer conversion rates, and higher overall costs, multichannel marketers are continually evaluating new strategies and techniques to maintain and improve acceptable levels of success. In the quest for the “next big thing” in marketing, many companies often overlook proven strategies that have the potential to greatly improve marketing performance.

  • The Known, the Unknown, and the Danger of Deadlines

    “In the universe, there are things that are known, and there are things that are unknown, and in between, there are doors,” wrote William Blake. Those doors, according to a new white paper from database services provider Merkle, are key to “quantitative marketing.”