Preferences Prove Profitable
You know the age-old maxim: the customer is always right. The extension of that for the e-mail marketing community is: let customers choose what is right for them.
Tips on Getting Your E-mail Newsletter Delivered
ISPs today block up to 90 percent of e-mail because the messages are suspected to be spam. What’s a marketer to do?
Answer: Stay on the good side of ISPs. -
Calculating Incremental Response
When measuring the effectiveness of a promotion, it’s not enough to know the overall response and revenue. What you really need to measure is the incremental order activity generated by the promotion.
E-Zines and Data Go Hand-in-Hand
Successful database marketing has always been based on communications. Why spend millions on a database unless you use it to send personal messages to your customers?
Association Newsletter Offers Customized Content
Would you promote a Microsoft database event to someone who wasn’t interested? Or a Women in Technology event to businessmen? If so, even your better- targeted communications may fall on deaf ears.
USPS Delivers a Custom Magazine for DMers
Think of it as a prime example of the business cliché about eating your own dog food: The U.S. Postal Service has launched a free magazine about the virtues and successes of direct mail.
Scotts Goes Nationwide with Custom Mag
The success of a spring loyalty effort by The Scotts Co. bodes well for a national rollout of Grow, a magazine for consumer gardeners. An initial mailing of 500,000 copies yielded double-digit sales increases in the test areas.
How NOT to Write a Newsletter
Looking to turn off customers? Hoping to overwhelm business partners? Enjoy confusing your suppliers? Then try one or more of these seven deadly sins of newsletter writing. Each is a guaranteed business-loser. (And in case you’re looking to attract business, for each sin, we’ve also
A Clean B-to-B Database Reaps Almost Instant ROI
Building and maintaining your business-to-business house file can be daunting, says Bernie Goldberg, president of Yardley, PA-based Direct Marketing Publishers.
In-Cinema Ads Surpass Traditional Media
Consumers are more likely to consider and choose a brand when exposed to in-cinema advertising, a recent Impact Study found.