Data Debris
Phishing attacks, which grew at a rate of 28% last year, are eroding consumer confidence in e-mail. A new Gartner survey found that more than 80% of online consumers distrust e-mail from companies they don’t know.
The CRM Cynic: Anarchy in the Air
Airlines don’t put straw on the floor like streetcar owners once did, but they are just as bad. Flying is a hellish experience.
Case History: Traveling Smart with Smarter Living Newsletters
Travel tends to take the first cut when expenses are being reeled in. But not for readers of Smarter Living Inc.’s tip-packed e-mail newsletters.
Case History: Arizona Uses E-Zine to Pave Way for Road
This is the story of how an e-mail newsletter helped facilitate a great public work.
It started when the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) suggested a four-lane highway to enhance safety and mobility on State Route 179, a state-designated scenic road in Sedona.
The One-Word Secret of E-Zine Success: Testing
Want to make sure your e-zine is going to be read?
Heed the ancient wisdom of direct mailers, and test.
E-Zine Tips and Teasers
The best place for your e-zine signups may not be on your home page.
That’s just one of the ‘takeaways’ we coaxed out of Paul Smith, editor of Newsletter on Newsletters, following the NEPA conference in Washington, DC this month.
How to Handle Unsubscribes
Don’t take it personally when someone requests to no longer receive your newsletter. This request to unsubscribe is not a rejection of your company. It may not even be a rejection of your e-mail.
On E-Zine Leads: Keep Them Short, Stupid
Harvey Kurtzman, the comic book genius who created Mad magazine, was once asked about his writing.
“I don’t write,” he answered. “I do movement.”
Case History: The Newsletter for Firms in Crisis
Crisis Manager is an e-mail newsletter written for firms facing PR disasters
Case History: E-Zine Helps Small Businesses Help Themselves
SCORE helps small businesses through consultations—and free e-mail newsletters