

  • Case History: QWest Goes Solo with Multi-Channel Upgrade

    Pundits say that multi-channel marketing requires enterprise-wide solutions. But QWest started with only one channel, telemarketing, when it implemented a new lead management system three years ago.

  • Web Sites Boost Customer loyalty

    What’s the Web worth to your company? Many marketers that sell through the Internet can rattle off their online sales. But is revenue alone the true measure of Web success?

  • How Hotels Kill Business Traveler Loyalty with Overcharges

    USA Today’s Gary Stoller writes that “business travelers may be overpaying for their hotel rooms by a half-billion dollars a year, the result of mistakes in billing.” Hard to believe? Yes, but there it is, in two separate studies.

  • Generation Y is Goes Shopping

    Generation Y, those folks born between 1981 and 2001, have long had a unique identity as purchase influencers for high-ticket items, such as vehicles and vacations. Now the group is coming into its own as a spending force.

  • Data Debris

    Senior marketers executives may want accountability in their advertising. But they don’t feel that they know how to get it. Those are among the findings of a new survey by Marketing Management Analytics, the Association of National Advertisers and Forrester Research.

  • Lessons From Yahoo in Database Marketing

    Granted, it was an out-and-out sales pitch for Yahoo. But Usama Fayyad, chief data officer for the online giant, awed database professionals with the statistics he presented this week.

  • Letters to the Editor

    Someone with an Indian accent answers the phone, and says, “Thank you for calling SBC DSL service, my name is Joe, how can I help you?” Now I have many friends and associates in this country of Indian descent and I have NEVER met one named Joe, Tom, Bill or Ted.

  • The CRM Cynic: Bernie Ebbers Owes Me $62

    Now that Bernie Ebbers has drawn a 25-year sentence, I can report that I, too, was victimized by Worldcom. It started early in 2002 when my wife and I switched our landline service to MCI/Worldcom.

  • Case History: Mediabistro Parties On with Newsletter

    Call it a one-stop-shop for content professionals. Or call it a place for people to seek new jobs or sign up for a class while perusing the latest media news. Call it anything you want—but call successful.

  • Case History: Real Estate Merger Could Lead to Newsletter Growth

    Chris Carmen fell into the e-newsletter business. But he’s not looking to get out of it any time soon. Carmen, who owns Carmen Commercial Real Estate, began collecting e-mail addresses in 1995 for his customer database.