

  • The CRM Cynic: It Takes a Country

    We’ve heard about internal marketing. We’ve heard about getting affiliates on board. But how do you get an entire country to support your brand? That question was raised during an exchange about CRM in the Cayman Islands.

  • Letters to the Editor

    Re: What is CRM? Some Definitions (The CRM Loop, July 28, 2005). Let’s put it this way: I have been involved in “CRM” technology and services long before CRM became the big hit. It’s really so simple but everyone makes it so complicated.

  • Case History: Celestial Seasonings Brews An E-Zine

    Can an e-newsletter be viewed as a detriment by loyal customers? That was the question Celestial Seasonings struggled with when it considered launching an e-zine for its popular tea.

  • Case History: Embry-Riddle E-Zines Take Readers Back to School

    Everyone knows that it’s hard to get through to college students. But not for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The school, which has campuses in Daytona Beach, FL and Prescott, AZ, is using e-newsletters to get information out to students, prospective students, parents and others interested in the institution.

  • Will Teens Spurn E-Zines?

    Although a new study shows that teenagers prefer instant messaging and less e-mail correspondence, there’s no reason to scrap e-mail newsletters just yet.

    But email newsletters will have to evolve to serve younger readers.

  • The Blame Game: Return Path’s E-Mail Metrics Troubleshooter

    Let’s say you have one of the best e-zines on the market. (Who doesn’t?) There’s only one problem: Nobody is opening it.Who’s to blame? It’s those pesky newsletter writers, right? Maybe not.

  • Tips on How Not to Lose Readers (and Customers)

    Want to hold on to your e-zine readers? Then respect their channel preferences and learn how to take no for an answer. That’s the word from Ernan Roman, who was leading firms like IBM through what he called consensual marketing long before Seth Godin came on the scene.

  • E-Zine Roster Doubles in Size

    Are inboxes suffering from e-zine glut? One is prompted to ask that after reading that the number of e-mail newsletters has grown from 588 in 2004 to 935 in 2005.

  • Magic Potion

    TOP-NOTCH WEB SITE CONTENT IS LIKE HAVING JUST THE right necklace to go with an outfit. Terrific…if you can find it when you need it. is

  • Qwest Tweaks a Channel at a Time

    PUNDITS SAY MULTICHANNEL marketing requires multichannel solutions. But Qwest Communications started with only one channel telemarketing when it implemented