More Than Your Mother’s Dry Cleaner
When appearances count, readers can count on Appearance Plus Cleaners, the e-mail newsletter sent by one of Cincinnati’s largest dry cleaners.
How to Find an E-Mail Service Provider
Every firm sending e-mail newsletters and marketing messages wants to make them more deliverable—to get them into the recipient’s mailbox, yes, but just as importantly to get them past the spam filters and junk folders now in use by many Internet service providers (ISPs) and into that all-important inbox. Many turn to e-mail service providers.
An E-Zine Deliverability Checklist
Having trouble getting your e-zines delivered? Here are some pointers from Return Path on how to avoid being blocked by the ISPs.
Retailers Fail Subscriber Confirmation Test
Retailers still don’t get it.
Almost 60% fail to send a confirmation message after customers register for e-mail newsletters or marketing programs, according to a study by Silverpop. -
Case History: Hotel Chain Uses Data To Pamper Its Guests
What more can a hotel chain do for guests beyond providing them with fabled castles and secluded lodges in 44 locations? Ask Fairmont Hotels & Resorts. It offers a higher level of personalized service through its Fairmont President’s Club.
Case History: Volvo Construction Builds Rental Business with CRM
Volvo Construction Equipment is the largest manufacturer of construction equipment in the world. But it is eyeing first place, thanks to a decision to enter the rental market three years ago.
Case History: Carlson Targets Meetings Planners
The latest incarnation of Carlson Hotels Worldwide’s loyalty program features more than a name change. The multibrand hospitality chain also is altering the way it communicates with meeting planners — the folks who may not even travel themselves but influence a lot of bookings.
The Editors Report: Internal Marketing as Seen by the Harvard Business Review
How much time do you spend pondering how Linux open-source development processes could improve your business?
Not much, we’ll bet. But the brains at the Harvard Business Review have been thinking about it, as shown by two articles in their July-August issue. -
Data Debris
If ever anyone wanted a follow-up, it would be an industrial buyer who goes to a Web site to search for products, right? Wrong. A new survey by ThomasNet. shows that 77% of all industrial executives and engineers who go online have a “don’t call us, we’ll call you” philosophy, and that 56% don’t want to be called until they have made the initial contact.