

  • Target Marketing and the 4 R’s

    If you haven’t budgeted for an increase in your database management or e-mail marketing expenditures, bear in mind that your competitors probably have. In “Target Marketing Priorities Analysis,” a report by Jim Dickie and Barry Trailer, the partners with research firm CSO Insights and underwritten by direct marketing services provider Harte-Hanks, a survey of 281 marketing executives showed that more 70% of respondents

  • Firm Uses Webinars to Keep Customers Informed

    Keeping track of processes from raw materials to finished product is a difficult task when you’re one of the country’s largest chemical companies. And if a mistake occurs, you want to be able to handle the problem. That’s where OSIsoft’s software comes in handy. It is used by over 10,000 customers in over 100 countries.

  • Jenny Craig’s Life Event Marketing

    Birthdays can be bittersweet for individuals looking to lose weight. That is, of course, if you’re not a Jenny Craig customer. The weight-loss company sends its customers offers for a free piece of Jenny Craig dessert when they’re faced with “that time of year.”

  • Lessons From Micato on Doing Well by Doing Good

    How often do corporate good deeds turn into word of mouth profits? Last week Micato Safaris in Kenya was recognized by American Business Media for an unusual program benefiting poor Kenyan children orphaned by AIDS.

  • The CRM Cynic: Customer Service is a Bitch

    How sad it is that when customer service makes headlines, they’re almost always negative. Take the rash of stories about Comcast that appeared in the Chicago Tribune over the past two weeks. It started when a woman who had complained about poor service received a bill from the company addressed to: “Bitch Dog.”

  • Data Debris

    This time it’s personal — or should be: Four out of five consumers say they’d like personalized content from Web sites, and three in five say they’d be willing to spend up to two minutes answering questions that would push that content to them.

  • Many Firms Need CRM Schooling, Survey Shows

    American companies may not be as CRM-savvy as you think.
    They are willing to spend money on it (or on parts of it). But that may be because they have no choice, according to a study from CSO Insights Inc. and Harte-Hanks Inc.

  • AOL’s Settlement With Eliot Spitzer

    Every company wants to retain customers. But AOL Inc. went too far when it tied employee compensation to minimum “save” percentages.
    So says New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, who this week announced a $1.25 million settlement with the online giant.

  • Hosted CRM Applications Are in Boom Times: Report

    Sales of hosted customer relationship management systems grew by 105% during 2004, to $4.4 billion, according to a report from AMR Research. Hosted applications are those housed off-site, at service vendor locations, as opposed to those installed on the marketers

  • E-Zine Helps Readers Weather the Storm

    Planalytics launched its first e-mail newsletter, Flashweather, in 2002. The goal? To educate companies on how the weather affected their business, and to create awareness for its own products and services.