

  • Publicist Serves Clients and PR Pros with E-Zine

    Have you ever felt like you were talking to the wind? Publicist Shannon Cherry aims to change that with her e-newsletter, Be Heard Solutions.

  • Don’t Forget About E-Zine Footers

    The footer, the text that appears beneath the actual newsletter content, is the best place for administrative messaging and CAN-SPAM compliance, but it also offers a great opportunity to continue to sell your products and services and to reinforce your branding.

  • Survey Shows Online Spending Boom

    Those who follow e-mail spending patterns may be in for a surprise. Four years after the dot-com bust, direct marketers are creating a mini-boom, according to Direct magazine’s 2005 online marketing survey.

  • ESPN Extends Brand into Retail

    ESPN’s consumer brands division is making an aggressive push this holiday season to extend its brand into retail as a means of strengthening its hold on the hearts and minds of millions of teen and young-adult men.

  • Service Vendor Revamps Call Centers

    Shelley Rawlings had her work cut out for her when she joined Network Solutions in 2002. As the new vice president of customer operations and support for the Web solutions provider, she needed to find some solutions of her own for the company’s poorly performing call centers.

  • Borders Uses Survey Data to Improve Service

    Keeping 30 million customers happy is a tall order. But Borders Group, Inc. has taken on that challenge—with information to back it up.
    In an effort to increase customer satisfaction in more than 460 superstores in the U.S., Borders is conducting customer satisfaction surveys.

  • Boom Times for CRM Tech

    If the $10.9 billion marketers spent on customer management applications in 2004 didn’t sate the appetites of vendors, fret not: By 2009, this market will grow to more than $15.7 billion, according to a report from AMR Research Market Analytix.

  • Get Some Perspective on Analytic Software

    At a recent database marketing conference, several exhibits featured automatic or semi-automatic data mining systems. Each vendor claimed his or her particular approach provided the user with a multitude of algorithms to deploy to aid and abet the analysis outcome.

  • Stop Blaming CRM for Your Customer Service Failures!

    For years enterprises have tried to combat customer service issues with technology. But technology doesn’t work unless you have engaged in some process planning.

  • From The News Front: Epsilon, Bigfoot Team Up in E-Mail CRM Wars

    E-mail service provider Bigfoot Interactive and loyalty marketing company Alliance Data Systems Corp. launched a counter offensive in the e-mail CRM wars by announcing that Alliance Data’s Epsilon unit will acquire Bigfoot for $120 million.