Content Marketing
Social Media, WOM, New Products, Draw Women To Brands
Gap recently offered a discount incentive for shoppers that checked in through Foursquare. The promotion helped catapult the retailer up a new listing of the 25 brands most important to women from No. 44 to No. 17
Philly’s Viral Spread
Mix some Philadelphia Cream Cheese with a few of your favorite ingredients and you could be on your way to winning the Real Women of Philadelphia Recipe
Social Hits Its Stride: Chief Marketer’s 2010 Social Marketing Survey
In last year’s Chief Marketer social marketing survey, we said that if you weren’t integrating social media into your marketing plans, you were not behind
KFC Spreads New Tag Line with Social Media
KFC is preparing to launch a new global tag line for its products in TV and print, and it’s preparing the ground by launching a social media campaign among fans to compete for free food from their local KFC on June 17
FTC Blogger Guides Create More Heat than Light
The Federal Trade Commission has revamped its guidelines concerning endorsements to take account of the new boom in social marketing, blogger endorse¬ments and word of mouth promotion.
Sears Seeks “Laundry Extremes” in Kenmore Video Contest
Kenmore is seeking people who are willing to confess to their weirdest and wildest ways to get dishes and clothes clean.
Three winners will receive appliances from the Elite line.
People can submit 30-90 second video confessions through Sept. 6. Visitors can vote for their favorite videos from Sept. 11 through Oct. 1.
Interestingly, many of the video submissions are from men. Here’s an example of one video by one entrant.
Office Max: Lord of the Elf Dance Once Again
If the Web has spawned a holiday tradition, it may be the arrival of the annual “Elf Yourself’ mashup from business retailer Office Max.